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Do scroll down for more info about my ON DEMAND  & IN PERSON offerings.

In Person Classes

OR join our online community....

Click the link fo all the membership details & to access FREE classes

On Demand Classes

A monthly online membership that offers you hundreds of class options to use when ever suits you!

LIVE Classes

A weekly LIVE Gentle-Beginner Level 75 min class, Monday 8-9.15am, PLUS, a weekly LIVE Intermediate-Advanced Flow 90 min class, Monday 9.45-11.15am.
You also get the recordings to replay at your leisure!

 Living Yoga, Yoga Living

Each month we honour a monthly theme. We explore the yogic philosophy and learn how to integrate yoga into our daily lifestyle, so our practice begins a way of 'being' rather than 'doing'.

Mixed Level Classes

Shorter (25-35 min) practices that are suitable for all levels.

Restore & Relax 

Guided relaxation, restorative, somatic and therapeutic practices to address specific concerns eg. back pain, yoga for anxiety etc.
Mythical Flow 
Mythical stories and practices that bring the philosophy of yoga to life!

The feedback from the Online Classes...

" I would not have got through this challenging time without you and the practices. 
I have not been able to work which was my outlet and my joy.
Doing yoga online with you has enabled me to focus on something else. 
You are an amazing teacher, always joyful and smiling it inspires me so much"  
"The sessions really help me to tune in, to make changes and view my life differently & to keep my spirits up on days when I feel sad. 
There have been so many changes in my life this year so it's time to navigate a new path. Your energy and enthusiasm shines through as always and inspires me to be a better version of myself."

Join Us

Replay as many times as you wish!

Once you have an online membership you will be able to repeat the classes in your membership as many times as you wish & at a time that suits you!
There are currently more than 200 classes that cover specific needs, have variable durations & levels and will be a fabulous resource for your practice!

Book My Membership

Try a class before you buy your membership

If you've not practiced with me before, then please take this class so you know if my offerings are for you. 
A guided relaxation practice, similar to this, is included in the Water Membership
This particular practice introduces the practice of Metta (Loving Kindness) that is so needed in these times.
Sign Up For Membership

Which class is best for me?

Take a moment to read more about each of my classes

Slow & Steady Flow

This class is the ideal way to begin your practice and discover yoga in a safe and fun space. 
It is perfect for total beginners and suitable for anyone looking to revisit the fundamentals of yoga. 
The practice builds week-by-week, introducing you to the basics of yoga postures (asanas), sequencing, healthy alignment and breath techniques (pranayama). 
Instruction in meditation and relaxation techniques will also be given.

Dynamic Flow

This class is more physically challenging and includes vinyasa, pranayama, chanting, meditation and relaxation. 
We focus on linking conscious breath with a mindful flow whilst deepening strength, inner connection and fine tuning our practice. 
An understanding of structural alignment is essential before taking this class. 

Gentle Yoga and Relaxation

Gentle Yoga & Relaxation uses the traditional package of postures, breathing techniques and relaxation to help you unwind, find space and comfort in your body and helps to quieten the mind.
A gentle approach to the practice is taken to ensure that this class is suitable for people dealing with most health concerns, all ages & abilities but check with me before booking if you have ongoing health issues.

Do you have a question?

Please call me 07791749502

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